Orivesi erikoisnäyttely 13.6.2010 Alice Cowin, Australia

Female, 15 months. Blue specled. Medium size, strong, compact & balanced. Head is strong, backskull could have more curve. Muzzle (beroced ...? vai head?) & well-filled, eyes ovale, lighter brown, round bone. Neck is strong, flows well into level topline. Forearm could be longer, upperarm shorter, deep chest, strong loin. Wery good hindquarters, (kroad...?) & great (croup...?). Moves strong from behind, needs more reach to in front. Good out & (back...?)

JUN ERI1 PN4 VaraSert    Paras Jun-narttu -palkinto


Harjavalta 29.5.2010 Salvatore Giannone, Belgia

14 months, very nice female, exl type, typical expression, correct bite, nice head, exl body presentation, well angulated, irregular movements

JUN ERI2 PN4 VaraSert